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ARK Invest Co-Hosts "The B Word" Featuring a Live Conversation with Cathie Wood, Jack Dorsey, and Elon Musk

Bitcoin appears to be gaining institutional acceptability more than a decade after its inception. The B Word, a Bitcoin-focused project held by ARK, Square, Paradigm, and CCI on Wednesday, aimed to explain how and why institutions should embrace Bitcoin and promote the network.


The virtual conference, which lasted 8 hours and had 43 presenters, was divided into six tracks. Track 1 debunked the most frequent Bitcoin myths by addressing conventional narratives regarding Bitcoin. A keynote discussion featuring Cathie Wood, Jack Dorsey, and Elon Musk on Track 2 focused on Bitcoin as a technology that promotes economic empowerment. The importance of sustaining Bitcoin's open-source developer environment was discussed in Track 3. Track 4 explained why supporting Bitcoin necessitates an understanding of and response to the security issues. The necessity of teaching officials about Bitcoin and encouraging adequate regulatory supervision was stressed in Track 5. Finally, as institutional interest in Bitcoin grows, Track 6 emphasized the need to protect the Bitcoin ethos.